Clarinda: (712) 542-2153| Villisca: (712) 826-4142

Obituary of Ruth M Hoyt
Ruth Mardelle Ramsey Hoyt, the tenth of eleven children, was born December 22nd, 1916, in Mt Etna, Iowa, to Ellsworth Winfield and Matilda (Larson) Ramsey.
Ruth attended grade schools at Mt Etna and Washington #7, both rural country schools. During Ruth’s youth dinners and gatherings were very important to her family. The rural churches and schools gathered often for social events such as picnics, potlucks, and the annual community Christmas program. The young people of this family and the community enjoyed many ice-skating parties on the Nodaway River at Mt Etna. These gatherings in the winter were on cold Sunday afternoons when bonfires were lit to keep warm, and memories were created.
Ruth was a member of the Church of the Brethren in Mt Etna, being baptized in a pond when she was 13 years old. She later joined the Brooks Methodist Church. Ruth entered Corning Public School in 1931, graduating with the class of 1936. She continued on in the community, teaching for four years in Carl Township prior to her marriage. During her high school years, Ruth met her future husband Edward L. Hoyt. Edward always recalled to his family of meeting Ruth as she gathered gooseberries in the woods. They married March 29th, 1940, at the Methodist Parsonage in Corning.
Edward and Ruth lived 39 years in Douglas Township in Adams County, on the Hoyt family farm. This family farm was where Edward’s mother, Blanche (Willett) Hoyt, had lived as a girl. Edward and Ruth farmed until he was drafted into the US Army in June of 1945. Edward served his country, stationed in Germany, when Ruth gave birth to their first child, Judy, in November of 1945. After Edward was discharged from the US Army, he returned to the same family farm to “reestablish” the farming operation. As the family continued to farm their second child was born, Clyde, in September of 1949. This made the family complete!!
Ruth raised two children while supporting the busy life of a farmer with her immaculately cleaned house and always spectacular fried chicken. Ruth was a wonderful cook and baker. Her children returned from school on most days to a house that was filled with the scents of homemade treats. Being a frugal and resourceful housewife and stay at home mother, Ruth taught her children to work hard on the farm. Ruth raised and butchered chickens, dressing 100 chickens every summer. She was an avid gardener. She tended a large garden as well as an orchard of cherry, pear, apple, peach, and apricot trees. Every year she canned 100 quarts of applesauce, as well as other delicious fruits and vegetables. She took great pride in her fully stocked cave/cellar. Ruth volunteered for the American Cancer Society, Highland Ladies Aid and Brooks UMW throughout her lifetime. She also volunteered as a hairdresser at Good Samaritan Nursing Home in Villisca, Iowa. When Judy and Clyde, Ruth’s children, had families of their own, Ruth’s cherished tradition of Sunday afternoon meals continued at the Hoyt family farm. Her now grown grandchildren remember meals, laughter, and afternoon naps in her sunny living room. Ruth was widowed in 1988 when Edward passed away while deer hunting. Ruth moved from the family farm to Villisca, Iowa, in 1989, leaving the farm in the care of her son Clyde. She resided in the town of Villisca. She was a resident of the Good Samaritan Nursing Home from 2015 till the time of her passing on February 17, 2024, at the age of 107.
She is preceded in death by her husband Edward, and grandson Tad Madden; siblings Loretta Townsley, Marie Holste, Gladys Bennett, Mildred Brown, Bernie Elswick, Grace Ramsey, Max Ramsey, Russell Ramsey, Clair Ramsey, and Winfield Ramsey.
Her family legacy lives on through daughter Judy Madden of Clarinda, son Clyde Hoyt of Corning, grandson Jess (Rose) Hoyt of Corning, granddaughters Brooke Hoyt of Sheridan, WY, Cally (Silas) Ivory of Congress, AZ and great grandchildren Dakota Hoyt of Columbia, MO, Hannah Hutton of Cumberland Island, GA, Tegan Hoyt, and Briar Hoyt of Corning.