Clarinda: (712) 542-2153| Villisca: (712) 826-4142

Obituary of Joyce Retland Minnig
Joyce Retland Minnig passed away peacefully in Thomasville, NC on January 17, 2023, after 92 years of living life to its fullest. She was born on June 6, 1930, and was a graduate of Villisca High School. She loved to dance and in her 20s she moved to Omaha to become a dance instructor at both the Arthur Murray and Fred Astair Dance Studios. She also loved to travel the world and lived in Spain for 3 years during her early 30s. She spent her final 15 years in North Carolina with her daughter and son-in-law, DeAnne Palmquist Stalker and Jim Stalker. She is also survived by sons Steven Palmquist and Randy Retland Palmquist, as well as stepdaughter Judy Wingett Corbin, 10 Grandchildren and 14 Great Grandchildren.